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- 8'ers Gonna 8
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- A Tad Dainty
- Abstract Wizardry
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- I Can't Get There From Here
- I Can't Go Anywhere But Here
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- Oatmilk Double IPA
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- Wheat IPA
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Brave Noise
Pale AleABV
In the spring of 2021, a simple question was asked in Brienne Allan's Instagram story; “What sexist comments have you experienced?”
In a day, this one question flipped the industry on its head, pulling back the curtain to reveal an ugly underbelly full of sexism, discrimination, and sexual abuse.
Brave Noise is an industry-wide collaboration beer with a big goal: a safe and discrimination-free beer industry. It is being brewed to honor those who have spoken out about their gender discrimination, racism, sexual assault, and harassment; and to bring further awareness to the issues that women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals face in craft beer.
Participants must be transparent and publicly display policies and code of conduct (which you can view on our “who are we” page of our website) and donate a portion of sales to an organization in line with the mission. We have chosen Sojourner House, a non-profit in Providence, RI that provides housing, support services, and advocacy for all those who have experienced domestic violence or sexual abuse.
We, at Proc, are committed to creating a safe space for both employees and customers, while also advocating for empowerment, equality, and equity, and standing against abuse and discrimination in the brewing industry as a whole.
No Peach Rings Were Harmed
Pale AleABV
This Pale Ale was made with Summer Stone Yeast from @berkeley_yeast and new, experimental hops, HBC 1019, which both help to give it a distinctive peach ring flavor without using actual candy. Tangy, pillowy mouthfeel, strong fruity, peach ring candy aromas and notes of peaches upfront with a sweet & pithy finish.
Pale AleABV
American Pale Ale dry hopped with Strata and Nelson Sauvin hops. It has enticing fruity aromatics with flavors of strawberry, passionfruit, melon, gooseberry, and a mild malt sweetness from the honey malt grain bill. It finishes somewhat dry with a faint citrusy zest.